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Friday, January 01, 1988

Welcome to the Helping Stick

This site is the latest incarnation of a long series of websites dating back to the early 1990's. I have always kept my gaming materials online for easy access by my players, as well as a way to showcase my writing. Sometime in the 2010's, like most everyone else, I shifted to various forms of social media for communicating with my gamers, and the websites (much like the blogosphere in general) began to languish. In 2021 I decided that I wanted to have just one place online for my gaming materials again. So here it is. Blogger/Wordpress has always been a better fit for what I need. 

Anyhow, welcome to the new site!

"What's the deal with a Helping Stick anyhow?"

This is "Helpy the Helping Stick", the yardstick that I "threaten" my students with. It literally has little hands and googly eyes on it. When they don't clear their desks quickly enough before an exam, Helpy helps them by pushing things off the desk slowly. Every class is a new show, people. This is how I maintain my love of teaching.

"What is the deal with Brass Bricks, anyhow?"

Growing up, my stepfather had a little brass paperweight on his desk. It was perhaps the only one of his possessions that I really wanted to keep. It has been something of an inspiration for me, for various reasons. Aspirational, perhaps.

This might be a mascot, but I think I'll stick with the dice on the header after all. 

Note - Images collected from the internet are used solely for window-dressing, and are used without consent. Their use is not intended to construe a challenge to copyright, and they will be removed at the request of the copyright holder. 



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