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Saturday, March 27, 2021

Nasty Little Weapon for Star Wars D6 Reup

When you can't decide whether to stab or shoot someone in a Star Wars game...

SPECOPS Blaster Awl

  • Skill: Melee Combat: Knife, or Gunplay: Hold-Out Blaster Pistol
  • Ammo: 3
  • Cost: 750 (Power Pack: 25)
  • Availability: 2; R or X
  • One-Handed: Yes*
  • Range: 1/2/3
  • Damage: 2D+STR/5D (Normal)
  • Game Notes: -2D to Notice rolls to locate the shooter by the sound of the blaster, +3D to Stealth to conceal blaster (including against weapon detectors)

The SPECOPS Blaster Awl is a small flashlight-sized thrusting weapon intended for use against sentries or unsuspecting targets. The weapon is constructed with the same materials and design enhancements as a holdout blaster pistol and is thus very easy to conceal or disguise as something else. It has limited utility against an aware target, other than as a small knife. The weapon is used to stab areas of the body that are lightly armored or unarmored. The user must succeed with a Melee Combat: Knife attack, with a called shot to a vital area. If the attack is successful, it automatically does an additional attack, a 5D blaster bolt, without requiring an additional attack roll. This attack is unaffected by armor, as it occurs inside the target's body. This also has the effect of suppressing the signature of the blaster (-2D to detect the weapon discharge). 

Street-Tech Blaster Awl

  • Skill: Melee Combat: Knife, or Gunplay: Hold-Out Blaster Pistol
  • Ammo: 1
  • Cost: 375 (Power Pack: 25)
  • Availability: 2; R or X
  • One-Handed: Yes*
  • Range: 1/2/3
  • Damage: 2D+STR/5D (Normal)
  • Game Notes: -2D to Notice rolls to locate the shooter by the sound of the blaster

The Street-Tech Blaster Awl is a home-built, black market version of the SPECOPS Blaster Awl. It is much cheaper, both in price and construction, resulting in an inferior weapon. The Street-Tech Blaster Awl is only a single-shot weapon and lacks the sensor-spoofing technology of the SPECOPS version.

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