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Saturday, June 29, 2024

K24: St. Olan's Company

St. Olan's Company

St. Olan's Company is a medium-sized fighting company from southwestern Halleck, near the border with Alastin. 

It was formed in during the Midlands War in the 810's, and has been active ever since. The company has varied in size over the years, swelling and shrinking with various battlefield successes and failures. The current captain is a ruthless man from Sarradastros named Alois N'gann, known in the mercenary world as both charismatic and vicious at the same time. He rules his company through a mix of intimidation and genuine leadership ability. Currently, St. Olan's Company fields approximately seventy-five troops, with about twenty archers, five gunners, and fifty heavy footmen armed with a mix of pikes, polearms, and sword-and-shield fighters. The headquarters element includes a troop of six light cavalrymen as scouts and raiders. The company is infamous for looting and raiding, excessive even by the standards of most mercenaries, but their battlefield discipline and average skill level are quite high. All St. Olan's Company members, even the camp followers, wear the belt favor and fly the banner of the company. Their symbol is a stylized hand and torch, symbolizing one of St. Olan's deeds.

Saint Olan of Brunn

Saint Olan of Bruna, also known as Olan of Regensloch, lived during the tumultuous period of the 2nd century in Halleck. Born into a noble family, Olan displayed exceptional courage and leadership from a young age. His early life was marked by a deep sense of piety and a fervent desire to protect the innocent and uphold justice. Olan's life took a decisive turn when he joined the Kehler Imperial army, where his skills in warfare and his unwavering faith earned him the respect of both soldiers and commanders. His battlefield prowess became legendary, yet his compassion for the wounded and humility in victory set him apart. During a pivotal battle against invading forces from the west, Olan is said to have led a daring charge that turned the tide of war in favor of the Old Kehler Empire. Miraculously, despite being severely outnumbered, his tactical acumen and divine intervention enabled his forces to achieve a decisive victory.

After retiring from military service, Olan devoted himself to a life of prayer and charitable works. He founded several monasteries where he provided refuge for war-weary soldiers and cared for the spiritual and physical needs of the community. His reputation for healing the sick and protecting the vulnerable earned him widespread reverence among the people. Olan's legacy as the patron saint of warriors endures to this day, and he is celebrated annually with solemn ceremonies and processions in Halleck. Soldiers, veterans, and all who face conflict trials seek his intercession. He embodies the virtues of courage, compassion, and steadfast faith in the service of others.

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