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Saturday, July 13, 2024

K24: Battle of Humbdon Bridge

This is the chronicle of the Battle of Humbdon Bridge, a battle between the Counts of Sianar and Drathaid. It happened in the spring of 827 IY, in Northern Halleck.

Day 1: The commanders of the Western Army (from County Sianar) knew that the Eastern Army (from County Drathaid) was substantially more significant and so resolved to meet them in battle at the Humbdon Bridge, where the superior numbers would be neutralized by having to cross a narrow bridge. On Day 1, scouting forces from the two armies met and skirmished across impromptu barricades, but the Western Army prevailed. The Western Army moved up to the bridge and encamped that night and the following day. A headquarters was established in the ruins of Humbdon Castle, and plans were made. 

Day 2: The Eastern Army appeared shortly after dawn and took positions around the Monastery of St. Cormell, east of the Humbdon River. The battle started in earnest with a sudden cavalry attack across the bridge, almost breaking Western lines. This turned into a vicious melee, as the Eastern Army was nearly able to punch through. Eventually, the Western Army was able to push them back across the bridge, causing terrible casualties for the Eastern Army. The fighting then settled into exchanges of missile fire across the river, with both sides making exciting but inconclusive night raids under cover of darkness. One of these involved the PC's, who fought a vicious close-quarters fight against Sir Aonghas MacAlister and his lance near a farmhouse south of the Eastern Army camp. 

Day 3: After several engagements, both sides suffered heavy losses, with the West finally achieving a decisive victory late in the day. However, both armies were significantly depleted, making further large-scale conflict unfeasible. The commanders on both sides favored withdrawal and negotiation to avoid complete destruction. Given the heavy casualties and the shifting tactical edge, it became apparent that both sides would seek to negotiate rather than continue fighting. The Eastern Army withdraws to the nearby town of Leinton, and formal parley talks begin shortly after sunset. 

Day 4+: Over the next week, both armies dissolve as vassals and mercenaries retire from the field. The quarreling Counts of Sianar and Drathaid leave for Dinas Halak to argue the matter in the royal court, accompanied by their household retinue and a few hangers-on.

The Player Characters: The PC's, thanks to their prominent role in the fighting at Humbdon Bridge, are allowed to travel to the city with the "hangers-on". This means that room and board will be taken care of, and there will be no monster encounters on the road over the two weeks it takes to reach the capital.

As a result of the night raid on Day 2, the players all acquired properly trained chargers, medium warhorses and their tack. The knight had a masterwork longsword and a bandolier with 8 charges for a pistol, and the various coin purses of the group had about $400 in silver and copper coins. Oncoming Eastern forces meant that the PC's had to depart in a hurry, and could not loot so thoroughly as usual. 

Members of St. Olan's Company, having witnessed the PC's valor in battle, once again extended the offer to join the company, saying they were "definitely of the proper mettle". After the inevitable brawls that result from such interactions, outsiders pointed out that if the PC's were not going to join up with St. Olan's, they should probably have a name of their own. 

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