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Sunday, March 28, 2021

Additional Slugthrowers for MgT2e


While the weapon selections available for Mongoose 2e are extensive,  there are a few types of slugthrowers (TL5-9) that can be added to the list. They change nothing about existing rules, and the statistics are extrapolated from the existing game statistics. While these weapons are primitive compared to some of the technology in use by 1105, they remain common due to their low cost, simplicity, and effectiveness with the right ammunition.

Heavy Pistol (TL6) - This large-bore automatic pistol is a larger cousin to the standard "autopistol". It uses 11mm-12mm ammunition identical to the "Heavy Revolver", and has a slightly larger magazine capacity. The increased power of the weapon is matched by increased size and recoil; this is not a weapon for small shooters. The Heavy Pistol is especially common on lower-tech Human worlds along the frontier with physically powerful races like the K'kree or the Aslan.  

Heavy Submachine Gun (TL6) - Using the same 11mm-12mm ammunition as the Heavy Pistol, this absurd weapon combines brutal recoil with a high rate of fire. The "Heavy SMG" is popular among police units and special forces on low-tech worlds that expect to fight at close quarters. It is also popular among space pirates, thanks to its fearsome appearance and reputation. Even criminals who lack the strength to wield it effectively still enjoy the intimidation factor it affords. 

Carbine (TL6) - This small rifle uses the same intermediate-sized 5mm-6mm ammunition of the standard "assault rifle", but is only capable of semi-automatic fire. It is a light, handy weapon carried by those who would not otherwise carry weapons but for the situation. The carbine is a common hunting and self-defense weapon on low-tech, high law worlds that might otherwise restrict firearms.

Assault Snub Pistol (TL8) -
The so-called "Snubmachinegun" is a variant of the snub pistol capable of firing automatically, providing greatly increased firepower in zero-g combat. They are large enough to be impossible to conceal, and they are sometimes carried as primary weapons by low tech boarding parties. The standard round is a low-velocity frangible round designed to minimize collateral damage inside a ship, but a variety of more dangerous ammunition types are available, including chemical and HEAP. 

Accelerator Support Rifle (TL9) -
The fully automatic version of the accelerator rifle, this weapon is used to provide suppressive fire in boarding operations. While the weapon is bulky with its large drum magazine, the light construction and very short barrel compensate somewhat; the ASR is quite deadly within the confines of a ship. It has a higher rate of fire and a much larger magazine capacity than most TL8-9 weapons made for zero-g combat, but has little utility outside of its specialized tactical niche. 

Weapon                                 TL     Range     Damage     Kg     Cost         Magazine     Magazine Cost     Traits
Heavy Pistol                           6          10             4D-3        2      Cr600            8                Cr20                  Bulky

Heavy SMG                           6          25             4D-3        4      Cr600            30                Cr45                 Bulky, Auto 3

Carbine                                  6          200            3D          3       Cr300           10                Cr5                    -

Assault Snub Pistol               8           5              3D-3       2        Cr350           30                Cr50                 Zero-G, Auto 2

Accelerator Support Rifle   9          25             3D          3         Cr1100         60                Cr120               Zero-G, Auto-3

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