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Saturday, April 10, 2021

Sonic Weapons for MgT2e

Sonic weapons, variously known as "screamers" or "disruptors", use highly focused sound of varying frequencies to produce damaging effects at range. On stun setting, the powerful vibrations induce nausea, dizziness, and unconsciousness with an audible and powerful hum. On their lethal setting, the high-pitched shriek of a sonic weapon will strip flesh from bones and induce panicked flight. They are short-ranged but are able to affect multiple targets at once within a broad area.  Sonic weapons have a bad reputation - while the nonlethal settings are a relatively humane way to disperse a crowd without long-term effects, the lethal setting is gruesome and terrifying. They are often chosen specifically for this dual nature by the enforcers of authoritarian regimes - protesters are given one chance to flee and live before the weapons are set to the lethal setting.  
Sonic weapons, because of how they operate, are broadly affected by atmospheric densities. They are useless in a vacuum and "Very Thin/Trace" atmospheres. Sonic weapons inflict half damage in "Thin" atmospheres and add +1D damage in "Dense" and "High Pressure" atmospheres or underwater. Sonic weapons are especially useful against targets in unsealed armor, which offers no protection at all. Sealed armor, such as a vacc-suit, is extremely effective at limiting the damage a sonic weapon can inflict and gives double the usual protection.

Sonic Pistol - A common choice among the law enforcers of various mid-tech level worlds, the sonic pistol resembles a bulky handgun with a fat barrel. The pistol is powered by the same belt pack as a laser pistol, connected by a thick cable. Like all sonic weapons, the sonic pistol has a lower-powered stun setting that makes it useful for taking suspects into custody safely. 

Sonic Rifle - The sonic rifle is a short, thick rifle-shaped weapon of unusual mass for its size. It is less common than its smaller cousin, mostly among paramilitary forces. It is more powerful and generates an area effect that is useful for both crowd control and close-combat. It is also powered by the same belt pack as the laser pistol, though its increased power drain means it gets fewer shots than the sonic pistol. Like the sonic pistol, the sonic rifle has both lethal and stun settings.

Sonic Tripod Gun - This large weapon resembles a stubby, overweight light machine gun with a strange, bell-shaped aperture on the end of the barrel. The sonic tripod gun is so-called because it is almost always mounted on a tripod or a pintle mount. It is possible for a strong individual to carry the weapon and its power supply (the same backpack used on the laser rifle), though this is uncommon. The weapon is almost exclusively used for breaking up demonstrations or riots and has both lethal and non-lethal settings. 

Weapon                    TL     Range     Damage     Kg     Cost        Magazine   Magazine Cost      Traits

Sonic Pistol                9          15             3D           2      Cr800           100             Cr1000       Weak, Zero-G, Blast 1, Stun

Sonic Rifle                 9          30             3D+3       4      Cr1600          50              Cr1000       Weak, Zero-G, Blast 2, Stun

Sonic Tripod Gun      9          30             5D           10     Cr2400        50                Cr1500       Weak, Bulky, Zero-G, Blast 3, Stun

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