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Sunday, April 11, 2021

Significant Races of the Frontier (Star Frontiers, Mongoose Traveller 2e)

The "Frontier" is home to an unusually large number of different kinds of sophonts. Most of these inhabit only a single world or small region of the Frontier, and a few worlds are actually home to a number of races - Volturnus, the most famous example, is home to five or more.

Four races stand apart a having created the multi-species interplanetary civilization known as the "United Planetary Federation". Three others are part of the mysterious "Rim Coalition". A final race, the Sathar, are the implacable enemy of the UPF and the Rim Coalition and are included for the creation of NPC's only. Detailed descriptions of each race are available at the Star Frontiers Wiki; links are in each species description.


Characteristics - Dralasite Travellers possess the following modifiers applied to their characteristics: STR+1, END+1, DEX-2.

Traits - Dralasite Travellers all possess the following traits. 

  • Elasticity - A Dralasite can extrude and control a number of limbs equal to their DEX Modifier +4 (A DEX 11 Dralasite can manage five limbs). These extra limbs can be arms or legs and can provide a situational bonus as the GM sees fit, up to a DM+2. This might include DM+2 to grapple with extra arms, a DM+2 to Athletics in order to climb a tree, or so forth. The character must select a single limb as their “dominant” one. 

  • Olfactory Empathy - Dralasites have a finely honed sense of smell, and are able to sense emotions quite accurately among known races. This functions a bit like passive Telempathy, but only within 5 meters of the Dralasite. This requires an Average (8+) Investigate roll (1D turns, INT) to accomplish.  

  •  Slow - Dralasites move at 4 meters per turn instead of the usual 6 meters. 


Characteristics - Vrusk Travellers possess the following modifiers applied to their characteristics: STR-1, END-1, DEX+1

Traits - Vrusk Travellers all possess the following traits.

  • Ambidexterity - Vrusk suffer no penalties for using weapons in their non-dominant hand. Furthermore, they only suffer a DM-1 on attack rolls when using weapons in both hands simultaneously. 

  • Comprehension - Vrusk are innately able to read and interpret the finest nuances of social interactions, so long as they are within visual and auditory distance of the subjects. Vrusk receive a “Boon” to Diplomat, Investigate, and Streetwise when attempting to interpret social interaction. This is opposed with Deception or Psi, as the ability is at least semi-psionic in nature. 

  • Fast - Vrusk are able to scuttle faster than humans, moving at 8 meters per turn. 


Characteristics - Yazirian Travellers possess the following modifiers applied to their characteristics: STR-2, END-1, DEX+2

Traits - Yazirian Travellers all possess the following traits.

  • Battle Rage - Yazirians possess powerful adrenaline analogs that function somewhat like combat drugs. The Yazirian must make an Average (8+) Endurance roll in order to trigger the reaction. If successful, the Yazirian gains a DM+4 to initiative rolls and a free reaction with no penalties. Unlike combat drugs, however, it provides no resistance to damage. Battle Rage lasts for a number of turns equal to the Yazirian's Endurance score, after which they are Fatigued until they are able to rest.

  • Gliding - Yazirian patagia allow them to glide considerable distances, about one meter horizontally for every meter in altitude. This requires an Average (8+) Athletics (Dexterity) roll. Alternately, with the same roll, a falling Yazirian can reduce falling damage by half. Local gravity will affect both abilities proportionally. 

  • Heightened Senses - Yazirian eyes are extremely large and sensitive in dim light. They receive a DM+1 to Recon and Survival rolls made in dark conditions but suffer a commensurate DM-1 penalty under normal lighting conditions. They usually wear dark goggles to offset this. 

  • Teeth - All Yazirians possess formidable fangs, though not as large or dangerous as the Aslan’s dewclaw or the teeth of the Vargr. A Yazirian can do 1D damage in close combat.


Characteristics - Humma Travellers possess the following modifiers applied to their characteristics: STR+2, END+2, INT-2, EDU-1

Traits - Humma Travellers all possess the following traits.

  • Spring Charge - A Humma uses their Endurance score for calculating jumping distance with Athletics skill. A Humma can jump four times the distance a Human can with the same Athletics roll.

  • Poison Resistance - Humma gain a Boon to Endurance for resisting any ingested toxins or poisons.

  • Prehensile Tail - The tail of the Humma is 2 meters long and has a grip stronger than a Human hand. The tail is capable of holding an item or swinging a melee weapon. When holding an item, the Humma can use its two arms normally. When using the tail to wield a weapon, the Humma must concentrate on it and cannot use its arms to operate anything else. The tail can only wrap around hilts, handles, etc., and cannot throw grenades or operate devices.

  • Personality Flaws - Humma are less empathetic and more confrontational than many races. As a result, they receive a Bane to Diplomat, Carouse, Persuade, and Steward institutions where manners, subtlety, or polish are required. In military or criminal environments they tend to thrive, as they are aggressive and intimidating by nature.


Characteristics - Ifshnit Travellers possess the following modifiers applied to their characteristics: STR-3, END-3, INT+2

Traits - Ifshnit Travellers all possess the following traits.

  • Nictitating Membrane - Ifshnits cannot be blinded by any light, as their inner eyelids snap shut instantly. They are immune to blinding by lasers, flash grenades, sand, and other eye traumas.

  • Innate Skill -Because of their unique brain structure and culture, which is heavily based on barter and trade, Ifshnits learn about trading interactions at an early age. An Ifshnit Traveller gets a Boon on two of the following skills, chosen at character creation: Advocate, Broker, Diplomat, Persuade, and Streetwise


Characteristics - Osakar Travellers possess the following modifiers applied to their characteristics: STR+1, DEX+1, INT-1

Traits - Osakar Travellers all possess the following traits.

  • Advanced Linguistics - Because of their unique mouth structure Osakar can duplicate all known languages. The Osakar are the finest linguists known, and receive a Boon to Language when used in a spoken context.

  • Highly Developed Sense of Smell - All Osakar have highly developed olfactory senses. These are so accurate that an Osakar can recognize and identify even very weak odors that it has encountered in the past, including people. Any Osakar gets a +2 to Recon and Survival, unless something has masked or removed the scent.


Characteristics - Sathar NPC’s possess the following modifiers applied to their characteristics: END+1, DEX-1

Traits - Sathar NPC’s all possess the following traits.

  • Fearlessness - Sathar are immune to fear in any form, though they are willing to retreat or withdraw when it is tactically sensible to do so. A Sathar is able to commit suicide by will alone, with a Difficult (10+) Endurance roll. This is usually done to prevent being taken alive. 

  • Hypnotism - All Sathar possess a PSI score and the ability to use the “Suggestion” ability within Telepathy. This ability cannot be increased by spending Psi Points, and cannot be used on a subject that is actively in combat with that Sathar. It appears that only Sathar leaders possess other forms of psionics.

  • Slow - Sathar are somewhat slower than humans because they slither rather than walk, moving at 5 meters per turn. They are unhindered by difficult terrain like mud, broken ground, or even water, however, and will often use it to their advantage.

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