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Sunday, April 25, 2021

Beginnings on Bantral

The six month patrol of the Trojan Reach officially started on 240-1105, when the PC's were decanted from low berths aboard the MV Decameron, a Baraccai Technum-owned merchant cruiser bound for Bantral. They were then introduced to Mr. Avzel Shalkash, the BT executive in charge of the whole operation. The crew took a pinnace down to a research farm on Bantral, actually a base camp for the ship, the MV Ruby Costa. The crew did a quick meet-and-greet, and Mr. Shalkash laid down the mission parameters. 

Mission Goals: The goal is to limit McClellan Factors’ ability to operate in the Trojan Reach, and eliminate Arkesh Spacers as a factor at all. Ideally, the Q-Ship and others like it will raise the cost of operations for opposing organizations, not provoke an outright war with McLellan Factors or trigger Imperial intervention. The MV Ruby Costa will be posing as an independent Deep Trader, which will sort of blend into the background as it operates. Because the MV Ruby Costa is J-4 instead of J-1 or J-2 as is typical, it has a great deal of strategic mobility and can escape from star clusters that get too hot. Resupply is possible at BT facilities, but must be done discreetly. The Q-Ship is expected to supplement its operations through whatever means are required, including speculative cargo, looting, or simple commerce. The following general guidelines should give a clear idea of the mission’s objectives. 

  • Disrupt McClellan Factors operations in the Q-Ship’s AO using covert means - raids, sabotage, spying. Target information will be provided by spies and made available through check-ins. Loss of life in McLellan facilities is to be avoided when possible, especially civilians and noncombatants, though security forces are acceptable, as are targeted assassinations. 
  • Disrupt McClellan Factors shipping in the Q-Ship’s AO by attacking ships, disguised as pirates. Simply raiding and destruction of equipment will suffice in most cases, but certain vessels on the “Black List” can be destroyed with impunity, given context. 
  • Destroy Arkesh Spacers ships and facilities when possible, in reprisal for raids they have conducted against BT. These ships may be looted with impunity, as BT is at war with AS. Shalkash suggests this as a fine way to supplement their income.
  • Provide direct support for BT operations on worlds within the Q-Ship’s AO as necessary. This will require checking in with the BT Factor upon arrival in-system. 
  • Provide escort to BT vessels traveling through Q-Ship’s AO. BT freighters are at risk from MF and AS ships engaged in much the same trade. 
  • Disrupt and eliminate genuine corsair and pirate operations when the opportunity presents itself. Crew will be provided shares of prize money and bounties. 

In addition to the ship, a supply of equipment was left behind in crates and in the ship's locker. 

  • Two rifles and three shotguns (see page 54) and 4 magazines each, with 200 rounds of ammunition (perhaps minus a few) in a nearby box.
  • Cold weather equipment (parkas, over-mittens and the like) for everyone aboard plus a couple of spare sets.
  • A personal survival kit for each crewmember plus a couple of spares.
  • Emergency softsuits (short-term vacc suits – see page 54) for all crewmembers, located at duty stations.
  • A vacc suit for each crewmember.
  • A heavy-duty rescue suit (see page 54).
  • Electronic, mechanical and engineering toolkits.
  • Survival Kits (x20), TL 12 Transceivers (x20), ample supplies of e-rats, 
  • Military Equipment: Accelerator Rifles (x10), TL9 Laser Rifles (x2), Snub Pistols (x20), Snub SMG’s (x3), TL9 Rocket Launcher (x1), ample supplies of standard ammunition, TL10 Combat Environment Suits +8 (x12), TL9 Flak Shells+8 (x8)
  • Medical Gear: Field Medkit (x3), TL10 Medikit (x3), Trauma Packs (x20), Small supplies of Fast, Combat, Panacea, Slow, and lots of Stim.
  • Vehicles: two cheap BT-branded G-Bikes, one military air-raft with ring mount for a heavy weapon.

Next session, the PC's will go on a hunt for Jawpigs, which are considered a delicacy at their first destination, the Senlis Foederate. They will obtain their letter of marque here from the rulers of Senlis.

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