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Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Seto Inland Sea Random Encounter Table

(To use this table, roll a 20-sided dice, or d20, and match the result with the corresponding encounter.)
  1. Pirate Ambush (Wakō raiders): A group of pirates attempt to board and rob your vessel.
  2. Merchant Ship: A friendly merchant ship approaches, offering goods for trade or information about the sea's conditions and latest news.
  3. Fishing Boat: Local fishermen are at work. They might offer fresh fish or information about nearby islands.
  4. Daimyō Patrol: A warship patrolling the territory of a local daimyō. They might question your intentions or request a toll.
  5. Storm: A sudden storm brews, requiring skillful navigation to avoid disaster.
  6. Mysterious Island: A previously unnoticed island beckons with the promise of adventure or hidden treasures.
  7. Stranded Travelers: A damaged or beached ship with travelers requesting assistance.
  8. Shrine on an Island: A serene Shinto shrine or Buddhist temple offering a place for prayer or meditation.
  9. Floating Debris: Remnants of a shipwreck, possibly containing valuables or clues about recent conflicts.
  10. Whale Sighting: A pod of whales or a solitary giant surfaces, a sign of good luck for many sailors.
  11. Sea Monster Legend: Local sailors share tales of a mysterious sea creature lurking in the depths.
  12. Smugglers: A secretive ship that avoids contact. If approached, they might offer rare and illegal goods.
  13. Refugee Boat: People fleeing conflict or seeking a new life on another island.
  14. Pilgrims: Devotees on a journey to a sacred island or temple, sharing tales of their pilgrimage.
  15. Rival Daimyō Scouts: Scouts from a rival daimyō's territory, possibly leading to conflict or diplomatic interactions.
  16. Floating Market: Several boats gather, creating a makeshift market selling goods and delicacies from various islands.
  17. Ghost Ship: A ship adrift with no crew aboard, with tales of curses and the supernatural.
  18. Navigator's Challenge: A treacherous stretch of water known for its strong currents or hidden reefs, requiring careful navigation.
  19. Island Festival: Arriving at an island during a local festival or celebration, with music, dance, and feasts.
  20. Divine Intervention: A rare and mystical occurrence, such as a guiding sea spirit or a vision, directing the sailors towards a destiny.

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