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Saturday, December 23, 2023

2300 AD: Tanstaafl Nights - Dramatis Personae

These are the PC's, the specialists of Kingston Kinetics. Tanstaafl City's finest military contractors. 

Jacqueline “Tigre” Devereaux (DH) 
- French Mercenary; ten years in the French Foreign Legion, part in Spec Ops. Served in the Central Asian War (2287) and the War of German Reunification (2292). She then mustered out and became a mercenary. 

Osman Ali (JS) -
Elysian soldier of Somali ancestry. He is relatively young but experienced, trained in both infantry and field medic roles. He served in the French military for a time but grew up in Tanstaafl among the expatriate Elysian community here.

Moses Chau (BD) -
Technician and demolition expert, native to Luna (Sol 3a). Not actually a soldier, Moses is a former revolutionary. He fled the Sol system after being branded a terrorist by the American government. Ins spite of this, he is a fine gentleman. 

Alexander Gray, Solo:
 Retired American special forces, emigrated to Tanstaafl to start over. Alex worked for Red Sky for a time, but resigned his position there after the Kafer attack, and now is an operator with Kingston Kinetics. 

Emile Bensalam, Solo:
 French-Algerian ancestry, big guy with olive skin and short hair. Vaguely observant Muslim, proud, stubborn, and certain of his own invulnerability. Skillful combatant, masterful heavy gunner. Alternate PC for replacements and guest players. 

Constance Murphy, Intrusion Specialist:
American, former criminal started as a poor street kid with skills and moral flexibility, eventually found an agent. She worked for various crime organizations in North America but racked up too many enemies during his job. She took passage out to the French Arm to disappear and wound up as a merc in Tanstaafl. Close-in work and sneaking is her portfolio.  Alternate PC for replacements and guest players.

PDF Character Sheet 

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