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Saturday, December 30, 2023

2300 AD: Tanstaafl Nights - The Kafer

, the main antagonists in 2300 AD, are humanoid insects with mandibles, a beetle-like shell, and technology matching humans, including space travel. Their intelligence, usually low (similar to a human IQ of 50-60), spikes under stress, enhancing their awareness, reasoning, and creativity. Thriving on danger, they become smarter with repeated stress exposure. Although naturally scavengers, their biology drives them towards ritualized violence and war glorification. Ruled by a few highly intelligent leaders, Kafers see humans as threats and competitors, inspiring their civilization's progress.

Typical Kafer Soldier

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9 (2)
Edges: Brawny, Soldier, One or Two Combat Edges

Special Abilities:
  • Armored Carapace: Thick skin and dorsal plates give an additional +2 Armor. 
  • Resilient: Kafer can take one Wound before they are Incapacitated.
  • Kafer Intellect: Kafer start combat suffering from the Distracted condition and gain no benefits from Combat Edges. After 1d6 rounds, they must make a Spirit roll. On a success, this condition is removed, and they gain the Quick Edge instead. On a Raise, Smarts increase a die step, along with all combat skills.  

Officers, Snipers, and Specialists

These semi-elite leader types generally do not suffer from the Distracted condition; they have Alertness, and their base intelligence is usually a d6. Though more experienced, they cannot access the various Combat edges that they have acquired until they succeed in the Smarts roll. Such Kafer typically possess several such edges. NCO's and officers (such as are recognized within loose Kafer rank structures) often have Leadership Edges as well. Some among this group qualify as Wild Cards. 

Kafer Military Equipment

Most Kafer equipment is similar to Human tech, but larger, heavier, and more robust. In general, Kafer use weapons that are one step larger than Human gear on the Near Future Weapons table. 

Common Examples: The Thud Gun is a Heavy Assault Rifle with an underslung grenade launcher. The Horse Pistol is an Extra Heavy Revolver. The Flashlight is a laser rifle issued only to specialists, ROF-2, 12 shots. NCO's carry a shock baton, while officers carry a gauss pellet gun, stats as a Light Pistol doing 1d4 damage. 


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