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Saturday, December 30, 2023

2300AD: Tanstaafl Nights - Smart Weapons

Players can use advanced weapons that enable direct interfacing, eliminating manual aiming. Players must have a specific cybernetic implant to utilize this technology, which activates the smart targeting system. This system identifies and marks multiple enemies, allowing bullets to follow the targets once fired. The targeting assistance is provided through an ocular enhancement, and the effectiveness depends on the weapon type. Older system versions were connected via fiber optic cables, though modern versions use encrypted wireless micronetworks. This remains one of the great arguments of the cybernetically enhanced murder-hobo world. 

There are three primary components and several optional components:

1) Smart Link - The system's heart is the "Smart Link" which connects the shooter's nervous system directly into the firing solution. This is implanted into the shooter's skull ($1000, Strain: 1), turning the entire system into part of the shooter's body. This improves accuracy and responsiveness enough to drastically increase effectiveness. 
2) Smart Weapon - The weapon must have the "Smart Weapon" upgrade (1lb, $1000) for the sensors and targeting laser, ballistic computer, and sophisticated compensation equipment like porting, gyros, and so on. 
3) Smart Optic - The shooter must have either the "Smart Optic" cyber eye option ($500, Strain: 1) with additional sensors and aiming lasers to provide parallax for a fast-moving targeting solution. For shooters without the cyber eye, Smart Goggles can be used instead (1lb, $1000). These may also be combined with various LI, IR, and Thermal goggles at extra cost. 
The Smart System may be further combined with Red Dot Sights (1lb, $150), and Scopes (2lbs, $100), but it must be purchased at the time of installation, as it represents various upgraded deluxe versions of the "Smart Weapon" package rather than simple add-ons. 

Optional: "Smart Ammunition" - This optional but highly desirable component includes computerized ammunition that has various methods to correct its course quickly, allowing it to slightly adjust the aim point en route while in digital contact with the "Smart Weapon" and "Smart Optic." Any sort of ammunition can be used, but it will generally do one die step less damage (a 2d8 rifle round becomes 2d6, for example) due to the lower density (and thus impact energy) of the round. Smart Ammo is x10 cost, and is generally very rare. 

Game Effects: 
  • The basic "Smart Optic"/"Smart Link"/"Smart Weapon" pairing cancels -4 in Range, Speed, and Cover penalties, but grants no bonuses to Shooting. An integrated "Scope" increases this to cancellation to a -6. An integrated Red Dot Sight gives a +1 Shooting Bonus at short and medium range. 
  • Using "Smart Ammo" with "Smart Optic"/"Smart Link"/"Smart Weapon" allows the shooter to reroll any miss once, not including Critical Failures

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