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Sunday, September 29, 2024

ETI: Psionics in the Earth That Is

There are two main varieties of psionically endowed people in the Earth- That Is setting —"Latents" and "Adepts", both of which are detailed below. 

"Latents" are Psionics who possess the innate talent for it but lack either the training or the power to make the abilities manifest actively. Instead, the Psionic powers manifest in weak and unreliable ways and are often more of a curse than a gift. Being a "Latent" is modeled by the following Edge:

"Latent" (Novice, Smarts d6+) -  The character is preternaturally aware of the strong emotions and thoughts of those around them. It can even pick up Psionic impressions from objects that were present for some traumatic event. Any time it is dramatically appropriate, the character may make a Notice-2 Roll in the conversational range of another person or physically touching an object or site. On a success, the user gets a brief flash of experience: an emotion, a visual impression, a sensation. On a Raise, the user gets information, such as a name, date, or place. On a failure, nothing useful is gained. On double 1's, the Latent is traumatized and must make a Spirit roll to avoid being Shaken. 

"Adepts" are trained to use their abilities, sometimes by corporations or governments, other times through long mental and spiritual disciplines. While "Adepts" are very common in action movies and entertainment, they are so rare that few, if any, people believe they exist, even those acquainted with Latents. The core Edge for a "Adept" is the Arcane Background - "Psionics". In the Earth That Is setting, the Edge has some requirements. 

Adept - Reskinned Arcane Background (Psionics)

    • Arcane Skill: Psionics (Smarts)
    • Requirements: Latent, Smarts d8+
    • Starting Power Points: 10
    • Starting Powers: 3

Adepts have discovered how to tap into their own Psionic powers. The following powers are acceptable within the setting, as they fit the general low-key nature of Psionic powers in the setting:

    • Confusion
    • Detect/Conceal Arcana (Psionics)
    • Divination
    • Fear 
    • Farsight
    • Havoc
    • Mind Reading
    • Puppet
    • Slumber
    • Telekinesis

The GM must rule any other powers on a case-by-case basis. 

Downsides to Power

Social Stigma: Psionic powers are known to exist in the Earth That Is, but they are exceedingly rare and carry a significant social stigma. Psionics and Psionic powers seem to be regarded as something similar to witchcraft, albeit with a pseudo-scientific rather than supernatural explanation. Being psionically gifted always seems to come with a price; enemies, social stigma, mental instability, physical ailments. As such, the "Latent" and "Adept" Edges must be paid for separately with appropriate Hindrances - two Minor or one Major, as appropriate to the story.  "Secret" is the most common one. "Clueless" could serve for a character constantly distracted by the background noise of the human minds around her, unable to shut them out. "Wanted" as a Major Hindrance could indicate that intelligence operatives from any of several organizations are hunting for the character, who may have been a subject of a research facility as a youth. One existing openly as a Latent or Adept would have the Outsider hindrance as a Minor (for Latents) or Major (for Adepts). Creativity goes a long way. 

Brainburn: When a psionic character rolls a 1 on his Psionics die (regardless of his Wild Die), he is automatically Shaken. On a critical failure, the psi must make a Spirit roll. On a success, he is automatically Shaken as above. On a failure, he suffers one Wound due to psychic trauma. On a critical failure, he loses one die step from his Psionics trait. This is permanent, but may be increased with advances or certain rare pharmaceuticals. 

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