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Sunday, September 29, 2024

ETI: Characters

Character generation on the Earth That Is setting is largely normal for SWADE, with a few specific modifications. 

Gravity: In general, there are few inhabited places in the Sol system with gravity equal to Earth, but since most genetically humans have been tailored to maintain health and strength in low gravity, this is not as big an issue.  

  • Zero-Gee Worlders: This includes people who reside on space stations, small moons, or in the asteroid belt. Their gravity, felt or real, is generally so low that they must take the "Zero Gee Worlder" hindrance (SFC p12). He subtracts 2 from all Strength rolls (including damage), but does not suffer the –2 Agility penalty for Normal gravity.
  • Light Gravity Worlders: This includes people who live on Mars and Venus, and most spaceship crews, who have spin habitats or live aboard constantly thrusting ships. A character subtracts 1 from all Strength rolls (including damage), but does not suffer the –2 Agility penalty for Normal gravity.
  • Earth-Normal Worlders: Natives from Earth, and most military types who train in high gravities, suffer no penalties or bonuses to Strength.

Cyberware: Cybernetics are not uncommon in the Earth That Was, though few societies embrace them as is common in a cyberpunk setting. Only the Belters and similar subcultures make extensive use of them as a lifestyle, though many communities have them as replacements for injuries or as augmentations for soldiers and other specialists. Someone with a great deal of visible cyberware should consider the minor "Outsider" hindrance due to the mild social stigma. If a character is a full conversion cyborg, rare in the extreme, they are effectively a Construct (SFC p7) with all the attendant benefits and drawbacks. 

Posthuman Genetic Enhancements: Most humans in the Earth That Is setting have been genetically hacked to ignore issues with gravity, background radiation, and other hazards of life off Earth. A few communities, especially Belters and the Free Lunar Soviet, do far more radical manipulations on their young. This comes with both benefits and costs. 


You were born with the best genes money can buy. Your parents went to a design house early in your mother's first trimester and began a series of genetic treatments designed to give you every chance of living a life they never had. Your DNA cocktail might include mental traits from some of the greatest minds of the past 60 years. Alternatively, you might have some artistic or athletic ability. In any case, you're better than most people around you in some ways, and you know it. It's not your fault. You're just built that way.

    • Better Genetics: Superior genetics and training provide the ability to overcome all challenges. Posthumans gain the Overconfident Hindrance.
    • Better Physical Capabilities: Posthuman starts with d6 in one Attribute of their choice instead of d4. This increases the maximum for that Attribute to d12+1.
    • Skilled: Posthuman gain one extra Skill at d6.
    • Prettier: Posthuman starts with the Attractive Edge or a d6 Vigor instead of d4. This increases the maximum for that Attribute to d12+1.

A combination of surgery and genetics allows some people to transcend the human body somewhat, though this is rare and frowned upon outside of the Belt. To play an exotic character, they must take the Outsider (Major) hindrance, reduce their Vigor by one step (d4 minimum), and take the Habit (Major) hindrance to represent a specialized cocktail of drugs needed to maintain their health and enhancements. This allows them to take 6 points in Positive Racial Abilities to represent the physical changes made by the character. 

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