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Friday, September 27, 2024

ETI: Mars

Terraformed Mars is the breadbasket of the Solar System, as well as the home for most humans living in the Sol system in the 2500's. 

In the 2040's, GEA officially abandoned the terraforming efforts of Mars and Venus as pointless, instead focusing on the evacuation to 34 Tauri. Roughly 100,000 people involved in the Mars Project disagreed, and remained on Mars to continue. They saw evacuation as risky and unnecessary. As the decades rolled on, their modest effort was joined by various dissident groups. Mars was used as a dumping ground for groups that did not want to follow GEA for various reasons, but also did not want to remain on Earth. These included Mormon sects from North America, whole towns from North Africa, and members of dozens of other smaller groups. By the 2080's, Mars' polyglot population had reached two million people. In the 2090's, GEA sent crews to retrieve valuable terraforming equipment for the Arks, they were met with fierce resistance. Even this effort was eventually abandoned as pointless, and the Arks departed by 2100.

After a period of chaos and disorganization, the disparate ethnic groups have blended into the modern Martians by absorbing one central idea - Mars as “New Jerusalem”. This idea was developed and spread by the “Third Prophet”, S. Blake Moghadam, a scientist turned religious leader of Anglo-Persian ancestry. According to his highly syncretic dogma from the 2130’s, humankind was judged and found wanting for its wicked ways. The sun’s instability, Earth’s destruction, the exodus of the vast majority of people, and the growth of new life on Mars are all fulfillment of of Biblical, Quranic, and even Zoroastrian prophecy. The presence of any particular group was seen as proof of membership in a new covenant, that “the tribes should mingle their seeds and prosper” rather than feuding or separating. This new faith (called "Mareekhism") led to the various Martian cultures cooperating and blending into one, relatively unified and prosperous world, once terraforming was completed in the 2200's. It has been two and a half centuries since then, and Mars has grown steadily since then. 

The various ethnic groups of Mars cooperated under the leadership of the original settlers, who now are regarded as sort of idealized "founding fathers". Most Martians mostly speak a heavily anglicized dialect of Arabic called “Mareekhi”, and share cultural traits common to much of the Middle East albeit with some oddly North American affectations; overall they are somewhat moderate by 21st Century standards. Offworlders are regarded as sinners who escaped judgement for a time, especially those who fled Earth in the Exodus. Attitudes towards them vary widely, with some urging tolerance, and others calling for a crusade. Mars in general has a lower level of technology than Saturn or the Belters, but holds considerable power by dint of having the largest population in the Sol system.

Mars in the 2500s is a cool, somewhat arid world with about 45% surface water resulting from centuries of advanced terraforming efforts, mostly contained in the north polar sea. The atmosphere is thin but breathable, though Martians are accustomed to relying on environmental suits or technological aids during harsh dust storms or in particularly extreme environments. Terraforming introduced genetically modified plant life that has established a sustainable ecosystem. However, much of the flora remains low and scrub-like, adapted to the limited water supply and cooler climate. The poles are capped with vast glaciers, providing a critical water source, while an extensive network of canals and reservoirs channels water from these polar regions to the inhabited areas. Mars’ climate is highly variable. Equatorial regions can reach up to 20°C (68°F) during the day, while temperatures can plummet to -60°C (-80°F) at night. Technological advancements in atmospheric regulation and heating systems have made life in the equatorial and northern regions more comfortable, and these areas have become the primary centers of population and agriculture. Winter in the southern hemisphere remains harsh, but the widespread use of advanced greenhouse complexes ensures year-round agricultural productivity.

With over eighty million people, Mars is a bustling, thriving world. The Martian identity is deeply tied to the idea of Mars as “New Jerusalem,” and the belief in their divine purpose fosters a strong sense of unity. The physical differences between Martians and off-worlders are seen as both a source of pride and a sign of their adaptation to their new home. One of Martian society's greatest achievements has been genehacking technology development, which has made the planet's low gravity—approximately 38% that of Earth—a non-issue from a medical perspective. Early settlers faced significant health challenges like muscle atrophy and bone density loss. Still, these have been eradicated through genetic modifications designed to optimize the human body for life in low gravity. As a result, Martians are generally more slightly built than baseline humans, with leaner frames and less body mass. However, they maintain full physical functionality and are just as resilient in their environment as Earth-born humans.

While vast, sparsely populated areas remain beyond the northern hemisphere, the central regions are heavily urbanized, with advanced infrastructure and flourishing communities contributing to Mars' dominant role as the breadbasket of the solar system. The lighter gravity has also influenced the architecture and infrastructure of Martian cities, allowing for taller and more sprawling structures than would be feasible on Earth. Martians live in vast arcologies and domed agricultural megastructures, many of which incorporate bioengineered plants that contribute to food production, help regulate the atmosphere, and protect against soil erosion. Water management remains one of the key priorities on Mars, with desalination plants and atmospheric condensers supplementing natural water sources. Genetically engineered crops thrive in the Martian soil, producing staple grains, legumes, and high-calorie foods in large quantities, making Mars the primary agricultural hub of the solar system. Hydroponic farming is also widely practiced, providing food for local consumption and valuable exports to off-world colonies. The planet’s food surplus is traded with the Belt and Jovian colonies for metals, hydrocarbons, and other resources scarce on Mars.

United Mareekh Authority

Most of Mars is governed by a single global government called the "United Mareekh Authority" (UMA). This entity came to power in the 2390's, after a series of small wars of consolidation. There are a handful of small regional states that do not recognize the UMA, and maintain suspicious relations with it. These states include the People's Republic of Hellas, the Kingdom of Mangala Valles, and Noachian Free Communities. None of these small states is larger than a few million people, and all are physically isolated by culture, landforms, and simple distance from the main population centers in the north. Several other groups fled Mars entirely rather than submit to rule by the UMA.

People's Republic of Hellas
The People's Republic of Hellas is an isolated socialist enclave located within the vast Hellas Planitia basin in the southern hemisphere of Mars. Founded by dissidents who rejected the authority of the United Mareekh Authority (UMA), Hellas has embraced a secular, collectivist society focused on self-reliance and communal governance. Its population, around 3 million, lives primarily in well-organized urban centers built into the basin’s sheltered terrain. Though it lacks the agricultural output of the northern regions, Hellas makes up for it with advanced manufacturing and a robust recycling economy. Relations with the UMA are strained, with occasional border skirmishes, but outright conflict is rare due to Hellas' focus on defense rather than expansion. The Hellas Planitia's remote location and harsh environment have helped to maintain its independence.

Kingdom of Mangala Valles
The Kingdom of Mangala Valles is a monarchy centered in the Mangala Valles, a system of ancient Martian river valleys. Ruled by the hereditary House of Qahtani, the kingdom is known for its isolationist policies and a deep sense of Martian nationalism, viewing itself as the last true heir to the original Martian settlers. With a population of approximately 2.5 million, the kingdom remains largely agrarian, relying on its fertile valleys for sustenance. Unlike the UMA, the Kingdom holds fast to a more conservative interpretation of Sunni Islam, emphasizing a strict adherence to traditional religious practices. Relations with the UMA are tense, as the kingdom sees itself as a rival power, though its relatively small population and limited resources have kept it from challenging the UMA directly.

Noachian Free Communities
The Noachian Free Communities are a loose confederation of autonomous settlements located in the rugged highlands of the Noachis region. These communities are home to about 1 million people who value personal freedom and local governance over the centralized authority of the UMA. While their small size and geographic isolation protect them from UMA interference, the lack of unified leadership often leads to internal disputes and a reliance on external trade for necessary goods. Despite their independence, the Free Communities frequently trade with the UMA and other Martian states, offering artisanal goods and specialist services in return for food and technology. They maintain a neutral stance in Martian politics, preferring to remain disconnected from larger power struggles.


Mareekhism is a syncretic religion that emerged on Mars during the tumultuous period of its terraforming and human settlement, combining elements of Islam, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism into a unified faith that views Mars as "New Jerusalem" and the Martians as God’s chosen people. The religion centers on the teachings of the Third Prophet, S. Blake Moghadam, a scientist-turned-religious leader who reinterpreted ancient scriptures to argue that humanity’s trials—the instability of the sun, the destruction of Earth, and the Exodus of most humans from the solar system—were divine judgments. 

According to Mareekhism, those who remained on Mars were spared because of their faith and perseverance, representing the fulfillment of prophecy. The religion's sacred text, the Great Testament, blends interpretations from the Bible, Quran, and Zoroastrian Avestas, outlining a vision of humanity's role in a divine plan for renewal and redemption. Core to the faith is the belief that God is visibly active in the world, guiding Mars’ development, and that faith is less about belief in the unseen and more about recognizing divine signs in everyday life. Mareekhism teaches that Martians are the true inheritors of Earth’s legacy, destined to create a new and purified civilization. 

The religion emphasizes unity among Mars’ diverse populations, encouraging cultural blending while holding that the Martians must stand apart from the sinful “offworlders” who fled God’s judgment. Despite regional sects like Isidis Reformed and Old Sunni Mareekhi, which offer different interpretations, the central tenets of Mars as the New Jerusalem and the Martians as a chosen people remain unifying across sectarian lines. Debates within Mareekhism focus primarily on how to treat non-believers, with more moderate factions seeing them as lost souls to be pitied, while radical Right Hand Mareekhists call for crusades to bring the rest of humanity into the fold.

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