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Friday, September 27, 2024

ETI: Venus

 Venus was already immensely hot before the Sun became unstable in the 21st Century, and the Sun's increased output has only made it more so. 

Venus was briefly the subject of a terraforming attempt in the 2050’s, but this was quickly abandoned as pointless and impractical. Little work is performed on the surface of Venus, as it is a hellish environment that even the technology of 2500 cannot survive for long. 

In modern times, there are numerous ruggedly built balloon habitats (called "aerostats") for research and extraction of useful atmospheric gases. These free-floating habitats can house a few hundred people each. They drift about fifty kilometers above the surface, up where the pressure and temperature are both moderate. The Free Luna Soviet, UMA, Chandra and even the Belt League all maintain at least one aerostat habitat on Venus. Several aerostats are actually independent settlements, loosely affiliated with Belter clans.  

In the 2500s, Venus plays a vital role in the solar economy through its aerostat habitats, which extract valuable gases from its atmosphere and take advantage of its rich reserves of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and sulfuric acid. These gases are crucial for sustaining agricultural systems on Mars, as well as for life support and industrial processes throughout the inner solar system. While Mars provides a local source of carbon, Venus' nitrogen and sulfur extraction has made it a key supplier for colonies that lack these resources. Despite competition from other sources, like Titan for nitrogen and asteroids for minerals, Venus remains economically viable due to its proximity to Earth and Mars, its renewable gas supply, and the advanced technology that makes extraction and transport efficient. These aerostat towns, run by factions like the Free Luna Soviet, Chandra, and independent Belter clans, are crucial to maintaining the delicate balance of trade and supply within the solar system.

New Horizon Stat 
New Horizon is one of the largest and most advanced aerostats on Venus, housing around 6000 residents. Established by the Free Luna Soviet, it functions as a research station and an industrial extraction hub. New Horizon is known for its cutting-edge atmospheric processing systems, which separate and purify gases to be transported back to the Moon and other settlements. The Lunarian scientists aboard the aerostat are also engaged in long-term experiments to understand Venusian weather patterns, hoping to refine technology that could one day enable more extensive resource extraction. The aerostat is heavily fortified and built with multi-layered polymer skins that protect against the corrosive atmosphere while maintaining stable buoyancy in the Venusian skies.

UMA Su'ud ash-Shams  
Operated by the United Mareekh Authority (UMA), Su'ud ash-Shams floats high above Venus as a self-sustaining outpost dedicated to supporting the Martian economy. With a population of around 4000, the aerostat primarily produces nitrogen and carbon, which are used to replenish Mars' agricultural ecosystems and boost its industrial output. Su'ud ash-Shams prides itself on its high-efficiency extraction techniques, which were developed specifically to minimize energy usage while maximizing gas collection. Life on this aerostat is rigidly organized, with daily schedules run like clockwork to ensure both scientific research and industrial production are optimized. UMA’s strong presence also makes Su'ud ash-Shams a hub for trade with other colonies in the solar system, exchanging harvested gases for Martian technology.

Goldman Floats
A fiercely independent aerostat operated by a coalition of Belter clans, Goldman Floats drifts in a more chaotic part of the Venusian atmosphere, where wind currents are less predictable. This loose affiliation of miners and traders has built a rugged, self-sufficient habitat that thrives on trade between the Belt and other Venusian aerostats. With approximately 3500 people, Goldman Floats functions as a gas extraction station and trading outpost. The inhabitants value autonomy and are known for their adaptability and resourcefulness. The aerostat is equipped with an eclectic mix of technologies, much of it scavenged or repurposed, giving it a ramshackle yet highly functional appearance. Goldman Floats’s residents also run a black-market trade in rare gases, providing a shadow economy for those looking to bypass larger factions like UMA or the Free Luna Soviet.

Chandra Cloudworks  
The Chandra Enterprise operates one of the most commercially successful aerostats, Chandra Cloudworks, with a population of nearly 5000 people. Unlike many more research-focused aerostats, Chandra Cloudworks is a purely industrial operation dedicated to harvesting carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid from Venus’ atmosphere for use in Martian and Jovian colonies. The aerostat is sleek and modern, with the latest in life-support and extraction technologies ensuring its efficiency. Its residents live in relative comfort compared to the rougher independent aerostats, with advanced entertainment and communication systems that keep them connected to the wider solar system. Chandra Cloudworks is also home to a high-tech operations center, which remotely manages many of the company's other ventures across the solar system.

Skyhaven is a small, independent settlement established by a group of dissident scientists and engineers who sought refuge from corporate and governmental control. With a population of only about 2000, Skyhaven is a floating laboratory and refuge for those seeking a simpler life amidst the clouds of Venus. The aerostat is autonomous, with its own gas extraction facilities and a tight-knit community focused on environmental and atmospheric research. Despite its small size, Skyhaven has made significant discoveries in the field of atmospheric chemistry, and its residents are known for their collaborative spirit. Skyhaven maintains loose connections with Belter clans and occasionally trades surplus gases and research data with other aerostats, though it remains proudly independent.

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