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Monday, March 29, 2021

Blaster Awl Redux - A Nasty Little Weapon, Interpreted for Traveller

Blaster Awl (TL13) - The Blaster Awl is a small flashlight-sized thrusting weapon intended for use against unsuspecting but heavily armored targets. 

The weapon is constructed with the same materials and design enhancements as a holdout pistol and is thus very easy to conceal or disguise as something else; it increases the difficulty of Electronics (sensors) checks to detect a Blaster Awl to Very Hard (12+). It has limited utility against an aware target, other than as a small knife. The weapon is used to stab areas of the body that are lightly armored or unarmored. It is powered by the same chemical cells used for the TL13 "Personal Defense Laser" (Cr4 each), but only has a single shot. This shot does more damage, however, as it occurs inside the target's body. The Blaster Awl can also be used when grappling a heavily armored foe, and is sometimes carried as a back-up weapon by battlesuit-wearing commandoes. 

The user must succeed with a Melee: Blade attack; getting around the target's armor requires an Effect of +4 or better, simulating striking a gap in protection. If successful, the stabbing attack ignores armor as it pierces through a vulnerable gap or seam. The Blaster Awl then does an additional 4D+4 damage without requiring an additional attack roll, ignoring armor. This also has the effect of suppressing the signature of the laser (DM -4 to detect the weapon discharge). 

Weapon     TL     Range     Damage     Kg     Cost     Traits

Blaster Awl 13         Melee        1D+2     1       Cr200      Concealable

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