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Sunday, March 28, 2021

Sandcaster Additions for MgT2e

Sandcasters are an interesting sort of low-tech yet high-tech system, appearing at TL9, yet with ammunition available as early as TL7. Sandcasters throw a cloud of ablative particles into the path of an attacker's laser fire, reducing its effectiveness quite a bit. Mongoose Traveller introduces a number of other sorts of rounds, including chaff, anti-personnel, and even anti-sand! Semi-canonical sources hint that the average round is 50 kilograms and about 30 liters... that's roughly the size of a typical garbage can. This suggests that if the round fits within those parameters, all manner of things might be lobbed out into space, useful or not! 

The sandcaster can be thought of as a large-bore but low-velocity gun-mortar of sorts. Many rounds are something akin to "Dragon's Breath" rounds for a shotgun - interesting concept, but essentially pointless. Most of these specialized rounds are useless in space combat due to the ranges, speeds, and energies involved. They can be tremendously useful against attackers when the ship is on the ground, say, as a defense against rampaging natives.

Below are some possible sandcaster ammunition types that fill very specific niches.

Hyper-Sand (TL11) - This highly advanced formulation of "sand" is effective against any and all energy weapons except for meson weaponry. This includes particle weapons, plasma, fusion, and other more esoteric weaponry. Each charge reduces the damage by 1D (2D for lasers) plus the gunner's Effect. One ton (20 shots) costs Cr50000. 

Tactical-X (TL8+) - A progressive development of the canister shot round called "Pebble", Tactical-X consists of a variety of different canisters, each fired in a giant cloud of mayhem.  Tactical-X functions identically to the "Pebble" shot, but with the various modifiers outlined in the "Central Supply Catalog", Ch. 14 - Ammunition. Any ammunition type available for a heavy weapon is a possibility, though some are more likely than others; Tactical-Bomblet, Tactical-EMP, Tactical-Fuel-Air, Tactical-Neurotoxin, Tactical-Smoke, and Tactical-Thermal Smoke would be in production, while others might be one-offs. Cost is equal to Pebble, modified per the description in Ch. 14. 

Carronade Missile (TL8+) - This short, fat missile is designed to be fired out of a sandcaster dispenser. They are generally inferior to regular missiles in most capacities, and serve only one purpose - surprise short-range firepower. Carronade missiles are available in all of the usual options for missiles, subject to the following modifications.

  • Range - The motor on a carronade missile has a much smaller fuel supply, so they are only useful out to "Short" (11-1250km) range.
  • Cost - Each carronade missile only costs x1/4 what a normal missile costs. Like sandcaster canisters, they store 20 per ton. 


ChromoSapient said...

Tactical Sand would be a useful addition for in-atmosphere encounters.

Helpy the Helping Stick said...

That's what I am thinking.

An adventure class vessel and scrappy crew can ALWAYS find a use for a low-velocity smoothbore cannon of great size.